Cadamuro, A., Bisagno, E., Pecini, C., & Vezzali, L. (2019). Reflecting A… “Bit”. What Relationship Between Metacognition And ICT?. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society15(3), 183-195. 



Using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in educational environments has become widespread in latest years. Since research underlined the important role played by metacognition and self-regulation abilities in fostering learning outcomes, the relationship between these aspects appears to be particularly worthy of investigation. In this review, we present 14 studies that have deepened the relationship between ICT, metacognitive skills and learning outcomes by identifying two main categories. Some articles investigated the effects of ICT environments combined with metacognitive aspects of learning outcomes, while others investigated the reciprocal relationship between ICT and metacognition. In general, from our review, the interaction between ICT and metacognition in producing better learning outcomes appears well established and the results highlight a bi-directional relationship between metacognition and ICT, but also allow to draw attention to gaps requiring further research.